CR Advisors created enclosed “List of Relevant Publications” that our clients may find useful. Please go to the following link to access a PDF version of the List of Relevant Publications.
General Publications Targeted to Extractive Industries | |||||
Source | Date | Publication | Description | ||
1 | Carbon Disclosure Project | 2013 | Guidance for Responding Companies: Oil & Gas Sector Module 2013 | The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organization working to drive greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sustainable water use by businesses and cities. | |
2 | AccountAbility | 2008 | AA 1000 Assurance Standard | AccountAbility’s AA1000 series are principles-based standards to help organizations become more accountable, responsible and sustainable. They address issues affecting governance, business models and organizational strategy, as well as providing operational guidance on sustainability assurance and stakeholder engagement and support integrated reporting and assurance. | |
3 | EITI | 2012 | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Fact Sheet | The EITI is a global standard that promotes revenue transparency. It is a robust yet flexible methodology for monitoring and reconciling company payments and government revenues at the country level. Each implementing country creates its own EITI process which is overseen by participants from the government, companies and civil society. The international EITI Board and Secretariat are the guardians of the EITI methodology. | |
4 | EITI | 2011 | EITI Rules, 2011 Edition | This publication brings together the EITI’s requirements for implementing the EITI standard. It includes the EITI Principles, Criteria, Requirements, Validation guide, and Policy Notes issued by the EITI International Secretariat, conveying decisions taken by the EITI Board. | |
5 | Equator Principles | 2006 | The Equator Principles | The Equator Principles (EPs) is a credit risk management framework for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in Project Finance transactions. Project Finance is often used to fund the development and construction of major infrastructure and industrial projects. The EPs are adopted by financial institutions and are applied where total project capital costs exceed US$10 million. The EPs are primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence to support responsible risk decision-making. | |
6 | Harvard Business Review | 2012 | Creating Shared Value | Michal Porter, of Harvard Business School, and Mark Kramer of FSG argue that companies should perceive social challenges as opportunities and that these challenges can drive innovation and economic growth. A shared value approach reconnects company success with social progress. | |
7 | Harvard Business Review | 2011 | Video: Creating Shared Value | Michael Porter is interviewed by the Harvard Business Review on the concept of Shared Value. | |
8 | IFC | 2012 | IFC Sustainability Framework: Policy & Performance Standards | The IFC’s Sustainability Framework articulates their strategic commitment to sustainable development and is an integral part of their approach to risk management. The Sustainability Framework comprises the IFC’s Policy and Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability as well as their ‘Access to Information’ policy. | |
9 | IFC | 2012 | IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability | The IFC’s Performance Standards define requirements for IFC support as well as clients’ project management responsibilities. The standards include information disclosure requirements. | |
10 | IFC | 2007 | IFC Stakeholder Engagement: a Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets | This handbook endeavors to provide a comprehensive overview of good practice in stakeholder engagement, with a dedicated focus on stakeholder groups that are “external” to the core operation of the business, such as affected communities, local government authorities, non-governmental and other civil society organizations, local institutions and other interested or affected parties. | |
11 | IFC | 2010 | Strategic Community Investment: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets | The aim of this handbook is to help IFC client companies and the wider private sector operating in emerging markets to think strategically about how they can support community investment programs that are successful, sustainable, and consistent with their business objectives. The Handbook is meant for use by anyone who is interested in developing a company-supported community investment program or improving the performance of an existing one. | |
12 | McKinsey | 2007 | CEOs as Public Leaders: McKinsey Survey | A survey about US business executives saying that they should play a much greater role in shaping debate about sociopolitical issues and leading efforts to effect change. | |
13 | The Economist | 2008 | The Economist Special Report on Corporate Responsibility | The Economist series of articles/special report on Corporate Social Responsibility. | |
14 | The World Bank | 2009 | Extractive Industries Value Chain | The World Bank aims to have countries benefit from sustainable development through an integrated approach to managing the full extractive industry value chain. This includes the value chain components of licensing, monitoring operations, enforcing environmental protection, implementing social requirements, collecting taxes, distributing revenues and implementing other sustainable development projects. | |
15 | The World Economic Forum | 2012 | 2012 Global Risks | The Global Risk Report analyses the top 10 global risks for 2012 in five categories: Economic; Environmental; Geopolitical; Societal; Technological. These are the findings of a survey of 469 experts and industry leaders, indicating a shift of concern from environmental risks to socioeconomic risks compared to 2011. “Economic imbalances and social inequality risk reversing the gains of globalization”, warns the report. | |
16 | U.N. Human Rights Council | 2011 | Ruggie Guiding Principles: Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework for Business and Human Rights | This framework, commissioned in 2005 by the United Nations Human Rights Commission, rests on three pillars. The first is the State’s duty to protect against human rights abuses by third parties, including business enterprises, through appropriate policies and regulation. The second is the corporate responsibility to respect human rights and to address infringements. The third is the need for greater access by victims to effective remedy of abuses, both judicial and non-judicial. These important principles are detailed in this document. | |
17 | UN Global Compact Tools and Reources | The UN Global Compact: Tools & Resources | The following material covers several issues in addition to the four principle areas (Human Rights, Labour, Environment, Anti-Corruption). Additional guidance material for implementing the UN Global Compact principles can be found under their respective sections. | ||
18 | Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights | 2000 | Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights | Established in 2000, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (“Voluntary Principles”) is a multi-stakeholder initiative (MSI) involving governments, extractive companies, and non-governmental organizations. They promote a set of principles that guide oil, gas, and mining companies on providing security for their operations in a manner that respects human rights. Specifically, companies must engage with public and private security providers to ensure human rights are respected in parallel with the protection of company facilities and premises. | |
19 | WBCSD | 2011 | The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review | This publication introduces a structured methodology to help businesses develop strategies for managing risks and opportunities arising from their dependence and impact on environmental ecosystems. It is a tool for corporate strategy development and can augment existing environmental management systems. | |
Government Legislation | |||||
Source | Date | Publication | Description | ||
20 | US SEC | 2012 | Dodd Franck Reform Act Summary | The 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act was a comprehensive financial reform act that sought to regulate the financial markets in response to the 2008 financial crisis. Dodd-Frank proposed eight areas of regulation including Wall Street reform and consumer protection. Section 1504 of the reform act requires oil, gas, and mining companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange to report payments made to the governments of countries in which they operate. | |
21 | US SEC & Dept. of Justice | 2012 | Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Resource Guide | The FCPA Resource Guide addresses a wide variety of topics, including who and what is covered by the FCPA’s anti-bribery and accounting provisions; the definition of a “foreign official”; what constitutes proper and improper gifts, travel expenses; facilitation payments; successor liabilities ; corporate compliance; and possible criminal resolutions. | |
22 | VistaLaw | 2011 | FCPA vs. UK Bribery Act comparison matrix | This matrix compares the UK Bribery Act to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) . | |
Mining Publications | |||||
Source | Date | Publication | Description | ||
23 | Anglo American | 2012 | SEAT Overview | Anglo American’s Socio-Economic Assessment Toolbox (SEAT) provides an effective process to help a mining company create and implement sustainable development practices. | |
24 | ICMM | 2012 | Mining’s Contribution to Sustainable Development | ICMM has commissioned this series to describe mining and metals’ contribution to sustainable development. It seeks to set out some of the more important benefits, costs, risks and responsibilities related to mining and metals in today’s world. These discussions are intended to be a starting point for the industry and others to more fully examine the contribution of mining and metals to sustainable development, a conversation that will continue for years to come. They are intended to stimulate an exchange of ideas leading to the development of innovative ways forward. | |
25 | ICMM | 2010 | Mining and Sustainability (Anthony Hodge) | Dr. Hodge looks at the historical drivers and events in mining and sustainable development. He reviews principles, frameworks from working groups such as the IFC, impacts on mining design, ecosystem impact, and mining economics. He argues that mining can drive sustainable progress if the process is done responsibly and effectively. This is the task of the ICMM, its members and the industry as a whole. | |
26 | MinAlliance | 2012 | 100 Innovations in the Mining Industry | Many innovations, mostly technological, have marked the last ten years of mining. Although not exhaustive, this list reviews the contribution of a profession that strives for more efficient, innovative mining practices. | |
27 | OECD | 2011 | OECD Guidance for Responsible Minerals Supply Chains | The objective of the document is to help mining companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral sourcing practices. It intends to encourage transparent mineral supply chains and ensure that countries benefit from their natural mineral resources. It also intends to prevent the trade of minerals from becoming a source of conflict, human rights abuse and insecurity. | |
28 | PWC | 2012 | Comparison Between the OECD & World Gold Council Gold Standards | A comparative study which compares the World Gold Council’s Conflict-Free Gold Standard with the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance. | |
29 | PWC | 2012 | Golden Opportunity: Commitment to Conflict Free Gold | PWCs has valuated the World Gold Council’s approach in the context of its objective to develop an industry-led standard to increase customer and investor confidence in buying gold, and in doing so, to ‘operationalize’ the Gold Supplement. | |
30 | UNEP | 2001 | Finance, Mining and Sustainability | This report, drafted by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), provides an overview of UNEP, the World Bank and the Mining Minerals & Sustainable Development (MMSD) initiative. It investigates the role of financial institutions in improving the environment and social performance of the mining sector. | |
31 | World Gold Council | 2010 | Conflict Free Gold Standard | The Conflict-Free Gold Standard provides the principles for the gold industry’s self-regulation including independent, third party assurance on implementation. | |
32 | World Gold Council | 2010 | Building an Industry Commitment to Conflict-Free Gold Production | Evaluation of the World Gold Council’s approach in the context of its objective to develop an industry led standard to increase investor confidence in buying gold, and in so doing to ‘operationalize’ the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance and particularly its supporting Gold Supplement. | |
Oil & Gas Publications | |||||
Source | Date | Publication | Description | ||
33 | American Petroleum Institute | 2011 | Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2nd Edition | The petroleum industry has recognized the need for GHG accounting and reporting guidance that is focused specifically on its operations. To help meet this need, member companies of the American Petroleum Institute (API) first published the Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimation Methodologies for the Oil and Gas Industry. This document (created by the international petroleum organization IPIECA) assists in the accounting and reporting of emissions. | |
34 | Chatham House | 2012 | The ‘Shale Gas Revolution’: Developments and Changes | In September 2010, Chatham House published a report by this author entitled The ‘Shale Gas Revolution’: Hype and Reality. The report questioned whether the shale gas revolution could continue in the US and replicated elsewhere. This 2012 paper summarizes the earlier report and provides an update on developments since 2010. | |
35 | Global Reporting Initiative | 2012 | GRI Oil and Gas Sector Supplement (OGSS) | The OGSS provides a tailored version of GRI’s G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. It includes the original Guidelines as well as additional commentaries and Performance Indicators, developed especially for the sector. | |
36 | International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) | 2013 | Offshore safety: Getting it right now and for the long term | Keeping to a promise made to the EU in May, 2011, OGP has produced a summary of how the industry has implemented recommendations set out by OGP’s Global Industry Response Group (GIRG). Acting on the knowledge of more than 100 leading technical experts and managers from around the world, the GIRG focussed on major incident prevention, intervention and response. The milestone document, “Offshore safety: Getting it right now and for the long term”, provides implementation updates in each of the three GIRG areas, as well as on mutual aid agreements that transcend companies and borders. | |
37 | International Energy Agency | 2012 | Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas | This report, as part of the World Energy Outlook series, provides a positive and negative scenario for unconventional gas. The first, where the highest practicable standards are adopted, ensures the industry a “social license to operate”. The second, in which lower standards are applied by the industry, puts that license into jeopardy. | |
38 | IPIECA | 2010 | Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting | This is IPIECA’s second edition of their guidance for the oil and gas industry on voluntary sustainability reporting on environmental, health and safety, and social and economic performance. This version, with input from API and OGP, provides new guidance on reporting as an engagement process, clearer focus on assessing “material” issues, and improved technical indicators for use in reporting sustainability performance. | |
39 | IPIECA | 2011 | Ecosystem Services Guidance | The aim of this guide is threefold: First, it explains the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and the oil and gas industry. Secondly, it provides a set of checklists to help identify the main ecosystem service dependencies and impacts of oil and gas developments. Third, it highlights key associated risks and opportunities for oil and gas companies, and provides guidance on potential measures for managing them. | |
40 | IPIECA | 2013 | Saving energy in the oil and gas industry | This informative document was developed primarily for external stakeholders. It outlines why it is important for the oil and gas industry to save energy and describes key actions being taken, including: a) improving efficiency of operations along the supply chain and eliminating unnecessary waste; b) examples of energy management systems; c) the use of benchmarking tools; d) management practices; e) communication and awareness; f) reductions in flaring and venting, and g) energy improvement projects and new technologies. | |
41 | IPIECA | 2013 | Guidelines for implementing ISO 50001 energy management systems in the oil and gas industry | Energy management through a well-structured ‘energy management system’ (EnMS) ensures that energy issues are properly taken into consideration in all aspects of the industry’s activities. In July 2011, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released the ISO 50001 standard, Energy management systems— Requirements with guidance for use, which provides the essential framework and guidelines for establishing and operating an energy management system in general terms. Beyond the generic guidelines and recommendations of the ISO standard, this document provides further guidance from a more specific, oil and gas industry perspective, and includes examples and case studies directly relevant to oil and gas organizations and operations. It should be read in conjunction with ISO 50001. | |
42 | IPIECA | 2011 | Preparing effective flare management plans: Guidance document for the oil and gas industry | This publication draws on the experience and expertise of the industry, through IPIECA and OGP, and the World Bank-led Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public-Private partnership (GGFR). It is the product of a cooperative effort between the IPIECA GHG Emissions Task Force and GGFR to create a guidance document to support flare reduction efforts by petroleum producers and governments worldwide. The key to addressing gas flaring is the identification of project activities that can successfully bring the gas to more productive use, and the expansion of potential solutions from those attainable by individual oil field operators to solutions that fully employ the capabilities of operators and governments working together. | |
43 | IPIECA | 2011 | Petroleum industry guidelines for reporting greenhouse gas emissions – 2nd edition | Recognizing the need to update the original version of the Guidelines to reflect changing practices, IPIECA and API jointly initiated the development of this second edition of the Guidelines to continue to promote credible, consistent and reliable greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and reporting practices from oil and gas operations. As with the original, these guidelines are based on the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol, but add (and occasionally differ) by providing industry-specific guidance. The new edition holds significantly revised chapters on setting boundaries (including discussion of financial control and clearer reference to Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions) and the evaluation of industry GHG emissions, including uncertainty. There are also revisions to discussions around reporting emissions over time, de minimis emissions, and normalization. The revised Guidelines have aimed to achieve consistency with the approaches described in the revised IPIECA/API/OGP publication Oil and gas industry guidance on voluntary sustainability reporting. | |
44 | Shell | 2011 | The Shell Gas Principles | Shell shares its global onshore principles to address concerns around the development of onshore tight sand/shale oil and gas, specifically with regard to the practice of hydraulic fracturing. Shell believes that exploration, development and production of these resources can be achieved safely and responsibly. |